"Mena Tradex supplies the necessary systems that reuptake the flare gas which is burnt and represents lost energy then transforms it into usable petroleum products such as methane, LPG and GTLs. The quantities and products may vary based on the gas analysis of the flare unit.
Based on the quantities and gas analysis, Mena Tradex engineers the needed flare gas reuptake units that are needed for the best performance.
Mena Tradex supplies the solution to transport the methane from the site by establishing mobile CNG compression stations to utilize the produced methane at other distant areas either as an NGV fuel or as fuel in a Virtual Pipeline.
If Hydrogen is a biproduct, Mena Tradex has the capability to find the solution to make this Hydrogen a beneficial product.
The gas produced either LPG or methane could also be used to generate electricity and power for the sites.
In addition to the economic benefits, flaregas reuptake solves a heavy pollution problem and decreases the greenhouse effect resulting from the emissions."